Monday 19 October 2009

Three Weeks Left in the UK

With our time quickly ticking away, our schedules have gained momentum and we've managed to fit many things into a short period of time. Since our trip to Germany at the end of August, we have traveled back to the States, spent a long weekend in Paris, visited Stonehenge and Bath, and most recently, spent a long weekend in Edinburgh.

Our trip home was amazing - great to see everyone and increase our excitement for our homecoming. Paris was spectacular, spending several days with my family exploring the city once again, but this time focusing on those streets slightly off the beaten path. Stonehenge was quite small, although a must see before leaving England and Bath was as great as we had expected. The true highlight however was this past weekend's trip to Scotland.

We had exceptionally nice weather for this time of year and made the most of our quick visit to the city. From the Edinburgh castle to the traditional Scottish music, by the time we left yesterday we had absorbed a great deal of the culture and enjoyed the overall vibe of the city. The weekend was just amazing.

Sadly, this was our final European holiday, as we return to the States on the 11th of November. It will be hard to say goodbye to our traveling lifestyle in London, however we both look forward to returning to family, friends, and familiarities.
I've included pictures from all the adventures of the past two months, including some from my birthday celebration in Islington. Enjoy!

See you all soon!! Cheers!!

Monday 7 September 2009


Last weekend we celebrated Mike's birthday over a long weekend in Munich - between the beer gardens and the sausages - Germany seemed like a fitting place to help him turn 29! We arrived in Munich mid afternoon on Saturday and found ourselves quickly delving into the culture by exploring the open air markets and sampling the foods and drinks of the street vendors.

Our first big stop was the famous Hofbrauhaus, where the beer came in liter form and German music played over the voices of thousands of tourists occupying the beer hall. As the day progressed we made several single-serving friends, as we bounced around from place to place and wandered the streets of the city center.

Trying to get an early start on Sunday, we headed out in the sunshine to explore more of Munich. The English Gardens, claiming many acres of land within the city, took us close to the whole morning to weave our way through. After a brief encounter with liberal German sunbathers and some city surfers who surfed a continuous river wave, we stopped for a bratwurst, sauerkraut and potato filled lunch before working our way back towards the city streets. Making it to Marien Platz by 5 o'clock to witness the less than exciting Glockenspiel performance, we carried on to culturalize ourselves a bit more with the German beer gardens. Our night lasted well into the morning and I think it's safe to say that we certainly put forth a great effort for Mike's birthday. With a slight feeling of grogginess, we made our way to the airport first thing Monday morning and found ourselves back in London by mid day. Overall Munich treated us well and was great fun!! Next stop.... USA

Monday 10 August 2009

Our best trip yet?

We returned on Saturday from our week long adventure in Greece - perhaps one of the nicest places we have ever been. The beaches were beautiful, the food was AMAZING, and the vacation itself was perhaps our best yet. We arrived in Athens late Saturday night and caught a 1AM ferry to the island of Paros. Thankfully, we had enough sense to pay the extra amount for a sleeper cabin and easily slept throughout the night. We woke up in time to have a cup of coffee on the deck and watch the sun rise over the Greek isle.

Paros was the perfect island to choose in order to encompass all the aspects we were hoping for in our vacation - great beaches but not too touristy, a night time buzz minus the spring break type travelers and an island big enough to explore while quaint enough to find tranquility. The cab driver from the port to our hotel told us that 80% of the tourists visiting Paros are Greek, therefore the Greek atmosphere was rarely disrupted by the sound of foreigners. Each day was spent relaxing on the beach, which beach we chose was really the only question. We rented a moped one day and beach hopped around our island, as well as AntiParos, the sister island sitting just 3 minutes away by ferry.

As always, our trip went by far too fast and we found ourselves back on the ferry heading for Athens on Friday afternooon. We arrived mid day, giving us ample time to explore the Acropolis, Temple of Zues, Parliament Building and of course, simply wander the streets of Athens. Eager to enjoy one final Greek dinner and glass of ouzo, our night in Athens was spectacular. Our hotel sat directly in between the Acropolis and the Temple of Zues and we ended the evening at the hotel roof garden for a final glimpse of the illuminated attractions. Although it was hard to say good bye to Greece, I can't imagine a better way to end the holiday. Truly magnificent...

Wednesday 24 June 2009

Five days in Italia!

We have just returned from a five day trip to Italy. Flying into Naples, we rented a car and drove to Sorrento for a one night stay. The town was lively but quaint, and our hotel was stunning. Sitting up on a mountain, with only a short walk downhill to town, the views from the hotel overlooked all of Sorrento and the Gulf of Amalfi. Our first Italian meal was certainly something to rave about, as was our entire evening, which quickly became a night of indulgence. Between the food, the drinks and the view, we had a wonderful time in Sorrento!

We continued our journey after our first night in Sorrento to Positano, where my parents had checked in to a gorgeous hotel five days prior. The drive around the Amalfi coast was a bit difficult along winding roads amongst speedy drivers, but with our GPS navigation system and our rented Fiat, we reached Positano early Saturday morning. The hotel where we stayed was discreetly built into a cliff overlooking the ocean and was camouflaged with flowers and plants covering the walls, both inside and out. The most unique trait about the hotel was the steep elevator which had two stops: the hotel lobby and rocky beach which lay many stories below. Our private balcony overlooked the next town over and the rocky beach below set independent with nothing but the hotel restaurant and some lounging beach chairs.

Our days were scattered between exploring Positano, relaxing in the sun, a boat ride to Amalfi and catching up with my parents. (Did I mention how great it was to see them?!) Our nights were equally as enjoyable with local wines accompanying Italian meals and rich desserts. Every evening ending the same with tropical thunderstorms which consisted of heavy rain and lightening illuminating the sky line. Some time before the storms but after the desserts, a barge in the water down below the cliff, displayed a firework show that was more than impressive.

As always, our days and nights passed by far too quickly and we have now returned home to London. Our trip was packed with delicious food, incredible scenery and all together great fun. It was great to see my parents, experience a taste of Italy, and of course enjoy some relaxing time in the sun…. Ole!

Saturday 6 June 2009

Why take a car when you can ride a horse?

Thrilling, exhilarating, unnerving, surreal - these are all words to describe my Wednesday commute. Sometimes I find myself smiling, while other times my heart is pounding, as I bring two horses to Hyde Park Stables from their home in Notting Hill. There are two horses that literally commute to work each day, travelling half an hour down a four lane road during rush hour traffic. One horse is ridden while the other is led by the rider. This task is usually completed by the instructor living above the two stall stable, however on her day off, the job becomes mine.

Between construction diversions, tailgating double decker buses, traffic signals, tourists with cameras, agitated cabby's and so on, the trip can sometimes be quite choatic. However in most scenarios the horses remain calm and unaffected by the mayhem which surrounds them. As normal as sitting in the saddle has become for me over the past fifteen years, this Wednesday commute is anything but normal. Only in London...

Thursday 28 May 2009

Back from Croatia

We have just returned from a wonderful vacation in Pula, Croatia. The weather was stunning each day and the rocky coastlines and turquoise water were just as we had imagined. Beyond a half day excursion into the city center where we visited a massive amphitheater ruin, our days were spent lazing around. Croatia itself was a unique country and displayed great simplicity. The lack of tourists cradling guide books and the non-existent English spoken conversations were perhaps as refreshing as swimming in the Adriatic. We have returned to London relaxed and tan and grateful that we have had the opportunity to visit so many amazing places. Incredibly, after returning from Croatia on Tuesday, we are now just three weeks away from our next big adventure. At the end of June, we are heading out for a five day trip to Italy and the Amalfi coast. So excited!!

Wednesday 22 April 2009


In preparation for our move to London, Mike and I set one defining goal for our year abroad. Beyond making the most of our time in London – meeting new people, experiencing British culture, balancing the life of a tourist with that of a Londoner – we set a goal to visit a new country each month. We got a slow start in the beginning while trying to focus on settling into our new city, however we have found ourselves on track over the course of these past few months. In February we went to Ireland for a long weekend, March it was Amsterdam, and now, in April, we have just returned from a five day trip to Pairs.

Mike’s parents came to visit us in London a week and a half ago, to see our new home and spoil us silly with fancy food and parental chivalry. After three days with them in London, we all embarked for a five day trip to Paris to experience yet another culture. Taking the Chunnel through the English Channel, we arrived in Paris easier and quicker than we considered possible. Although Mike and I had both been to Paris before, due to busy schedules during past visits, this trip was the first time we were able to appreciate the Parisian flair that is labeled as like no other. The seats at the cafes lining the streets with all eyes facing the road, staring and surveying, took some time to get accustom to. At first questioning the appeal of endlessly watching passer-bys, eventually was replaced with awe for the leisurely setting and infinite lattes and wines.

Beyond the drinks came the cheeses, the quiche, and the crepes, along with other French vendors, which captivated the senses along the busy bustling streets. Spending time amongst the never-ending lines and touring crowds visiting Versailles, The Louvre, Eifel Tower, Notre Dame, and Rue de les Champs our list of attractions was lengthy and fulfilling. Each day was divided between tourist sites and walks along the Seine or relaxing at a brasserie. A bit of shopping and a touch of simple sunshine added greater pleasure to our time in Paris.

The week was long and jam-packed with activity, yet short in reference to time, as it was over as quickly as it began. Returning to London just a few days ago, we had just two final days with Mike’s parents before having to say goodbye. It was absolutely wonderful to have them here….. Thank you Johnny and JoJo for everything!!

We spent this past weekend taking full advantage of our spacious balcony and the sunny London weekend, we put our feet up, enjoyed a little BBQ and in general, soaked in some much needed down time. We are now back to work and our regular routines, awaiting our next big adventure!