Monday 7 September 2009


Last weekend we celebrated Mike's birthday over a long weekend in Munich - between the beer gardens and the sausages - Germany seemed like a fitting place to help him turn 29! We arrived in Munich mid afternoon on Saturday and found ourselves quickly delving into the culture by exploring the open air markets and sampling the foods and drinks of the street vendors.

Our first big stop was the famous Hofbrauhaus, where the beer came in liter form and German music played over the voices of thousands of tourists occupying the beer hall. As the day progressed we made several single-serving friends, as we bounced around from place to place and wandered the streets of the city center.

Trying to get an early start on Sunday, we headed out in the sunshine to explore more of Munich. The English Gardens, claiming many acres of land within the city, took us close to the whole morning to weave our way through. After a brief encounter with liberal German sunbathers and some city surfers who surfed a continuous river wave, we stopped for a bratwurst, sauerkraut and potato filled lunch before working our way back towards the city streets. Making it to Marien Platz by 5 o'clock to witness the less than exciting Glockenspiel performance, we carried on to culturalize ourselves a bit more with the German beer gardens. Our night lasted well into the morning and I think it's safe to say that we certainly put forth a great effort for Mike's birthday. With a slight feeling of grogginess, we made our way to the airport first thing Monday morning and found ourselves back in London by mid day. Overall Munich treated us well and was great fun!! Next stop.... USA

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