Saturday 6 June 2009

Why take a car when you can ride a horse?

Thrilling, exhilarating, unnerving, surreal - these are all words to describe my Wednesday commute. Sometimes I find myself smiling, while other times my heart is pounding, as I bring two horses to Hyde Park Stables from their home in Notting Hill. There are two horses that literally commute to work each day, travelling half an hour down a four lane road during rush hour traffic. One horse is ridden while the other is led by the rider. This task is usually completed by the instructor living above the two stall stable, however on her day off, the job becomes mine.

Between construction diversions, tailgating double decker buses, traffic signals, tourists with cameras, agitated cabby's and so on, the trip can sometimes be quite choatic. However in most scenarios the horses remain calm and unaffected by the mayhem which surrounds them. As normal as sitting in the saddle has become for me over the past fifteen years, this Wednesday commute is anything but normal. Only in London...

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