Thursday 28 May 2009

Back from Croatia

We have just returned from a wonderful vacation in Pula, Croatia. The weather was stunning each day and the rocky coastlines and turquoise water were just as we had imagined. Beyond a half day excursion into the city center where we visited a massive amphitheater ruin, our days were spent lazing around. Croatia itself was a unique country and displayed great simplicity. The lack of tourists cradling guide books and the non-existent English spoken conversations were perhaps as refreshing as swimming in the Adriatic. We have returned to London relaxed and tan and grateful that we have had the opportunity to visit so many amazing places. Incredibly, after returning from Croatia on Tuesday, we are now just three weeks away from our next big adventure. At the end of June, we are heading out for a five day trip to Italy and the Amalfi coast. So excited!!

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