Wednesday 7 January 2009

Our New Year's Eve Adventure

After spending a week with my parents, gorging ourselves on good food and family fun, we finally had to say good bye on Monday. It was GREAT to see them and they obviously enjoyed themselves tremendously. Even more, their New Years Eve celebration was certainly one they will never forget. The night started off in my parents' fashion by going to a nice restaurant and enjoying a leisurely dinner. It wasn't 'til the clock struck eleven that the night took a different course.

Dressed for warmth, we ventured out into the streets of downtown London, to join the mobs of drunken people herding their way towards the London Eye. After almost an hour of walking amongst broken bottles, excited teenagers and screaming celebrators, we reached our end point. With a flask of brandy for them and a couple cans of beer for us, Mike and I and my parents brought in the new year while watching the famous London fireworks overhead.

Shortly thereafter, my parents hopped to safety in a cab and made an escape back to the hotel. Mike and I continued the adventure, roaming the streets and hitting up our local Islington pubs until closing. New Years Eve 2008 proved to be more fun than any of us would have expected and big props to my parents for being such troopers!! Happy 2009!!

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