Monday 19 October 2009

Three Weeks Left in the UK

With our time quickly ticking away, our schedules have gained momentum and we've managed to fit many things into a short period of time. Since our trip to Germany at the end of August, we have traveled back to the States, spent a long weekend in Paris, visited Stonehenge and Bath, and most recently, spent a long weekend in Edinburgh.

Our trip home was amazing - great to see everyone and increase our excitement for our homecoming. Paris was spectacular, spending several days with my family exploring the city once again, but this time focusing on those streets slightly off the beaten path. Stonehenge was quite small, although a must see before leaving England and Bath was as great as we had expected. The true highlight however was this past weekend's trip to Scotland.

We had exceptionally nice weather for this time of year and made the most of our quick visit to the city. From the Edinburgh castle to the traditional Scottish music, by the time we left yesterday we had absorbed a great deal of the culture and enjoyed the overall vibe of the city. The weekend was just amazing.

Sadly, this was our final European holiday, as we return to the States on the 11th of November. It will be hard to say goodbye to our traveling lifestyle in London, however we both look forward to returning to family, friends, and familiarities.
I've included pictures from all the adventures of the past two months, including some from my birthday celebration in Islington. Enjoy!

See you all soon!! Cheers!!